Abstract:Due to the fact that the construction disturbance leads to the deterioration of the surrounding rock of the cavern group, which will produce an inductive effect on the instability of the cavern group, and in view of a simulation of the two typical failure characteristics of tension failure and shear failure of caverns, a horizontal and diagonal inclined flat cement mortar model has thus been designed with three circular holes, with the inductive effect simulated for surrounding rocks under strong to weak damages, thus defining its deterioration index for the rectangular hollow holes for cavern spacing, paraffin filled hollow holes and the gypsum filled hollow holes. By using the digital speckle system MatchID-2D, a study is conducted on the deformation and failure characteristics of the model under uniaxial stepwise loading and unloading cycles under the conditions of unfilled, paraffin filled, and gypsum filled voids. It is found that the stronger the degree of induction, the smaller the model failure load will be. Similarly, under induced conditions, the failure load of diagonally inclined spaced three circular holes is smaller than that of flat holes, with the flat hole model mainly focusing on tensile failure, while the oblique hole model mainly focusing on shear failure. Using FLAC3D numerical simulation software for loading and unloading tests, a comparison can be made of the deformation monitoring around the cavern with the extensometer function of MatchID-2D, followed by an analysis of the influence of induction on the vertical convergence of the center of the circular hole passing through the flat hole model and the middle of the induced flat hole. It is found that the flat hole induced empty hole filling material can significantly reduce the convergence of the middle circular holes and the induced flat holes, with a similarity of characteristics in the convergence of the circular holes in the middle of the oblique hole model.