Abstract:In view of bilateral matching decision making problems in probabilistic uncertain linguistic information, a bilateral matching decision making method based on TODIM and PROMETHEE II has thus been proposed. Firstly, according to TODIM method, a calculation has been made of the profit and loss value among all parties, followed by a further calculation of the dominance among all parties. Then, the inflows, outflows and net flows of all principal parties can be calculated by using the dominance degrees as the priority functions in PROMETHEE II method. Furthermore, the matching satisfaction degree of each subject to the other subject is calculated according to the net flows. On this basis, a multi-objective matching optimization model is constructed to maximize the sum of subject satisfaction with the fairness of bilateral matching scheme taken into consideration. The multi-objective optimization model is transformed into a single objective optimization model by using linear weighting method, and a fair bilateral matching scheme is obtained by using LINGO11.0 and other software packages. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed matching decision method can be verified by an example of bilateral matching between governments and enterprises.