车 - 温度荷载耦合作用下悬索桥钢桥





湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(2020JJ5143,2020JJ5140,2019JJ60051);湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金资助项 目(20B182);长沙理工大学桥梁工程安全控制教育部重点实验室基金资助项目(19KB02)

Fatigue Life Assessment of the Steel Deck of Suspension Bridge Under Vehicle-Temperature Load Coupling

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    针对传统悬索桥钢桥面板疲劳寿命评估方法忽略了温度荷载影响的问题,提出考虑车辆和温度 荷载耦合作用下悬索桥钢桥面板疲劳耐久性评估方法。以南溪长江大桥为工程背景,基于悬索桥主梁的车辆 动态称重(WIM)、U 肋细节应变、铺装层温度和环境温度监测数据,建立标准疲劳车辆模型、铺装层温度 概率模型和主梁温差模型。在 ANSYS 有限元平台,采用瞬态分析计算车辆和铺装层温度荷载耦合作用对结 构两类典型焊接细节的疲劳应力效应的影响,并统计结构温度梯度的疲劳应力谱。在此基础上,预测车 - 温 度荷载耦合作用下南溪长江大桥两类典型细节的疲劳寿命。研究表明:在车载不变的情况下,沥青铺装层温 度与等效应力幅呈现线性关系。温度对细节疲劳寿命的影响随着细节距铺装层距离的增大而衰减。温度梯度 疲劳荷载谱的循环次数明显较车载小,在两者耦合作用中,车载对疲劳损伤的贡献值占据主要地位。对比考 虑与不考虑车 - 温度荷载的耦合作用,南溪长江大桥梁服役 100 a 主梁细节 1 和细节 2 的疲劳损伤计算值分 别相差 5.06 和 1.50 倍。


    In view of the flaw that the traditional fatigue life assessment method of steel deck of suspension bridge fails to take into consideration the influence of temperature load, a fatigue durability assessment method has thus been proposed of the steel deck of suspension bridge with the coupling effect of vehicle-temperature loading under consideration. Taking Nanxi Yangtze River Bridge as the target of the engineering background, and based on the vehicle weight in motion (WIM), U-rib detail strain, pavement temperature and ambient temperature monitoring data of suspension bridge girder, an establishment can be achieved of the standard fatigue vehicle model, pavement temperature probability model and girder temperature difference model. By adopting ANSYS finite element platform, a transient analysis has been made of the calculation of the influence of vehicle and pavement temperature load coupling on the fatigue stress effect of two typical welding details, with the fatigue stress spectrum of structure temperature recorded. On this basis, a prediction can be achieved of the fatigue life of two typical details of Nanxi Yangtze River Bridge under vehicle-temperature load coupling. The results show that there is a linear relationship between the temperature of asphalt pavement and the equivalent stress amplitude under the condition of the same vehicle load, with the effect of temperature on the fatigue life of details decreasing with the increase of the distance between details and pavement. The number of cycles of the temperature gradient fatigue load spectrum is significantly smaller than that of the vehicle load spectrum, while the contribution of the vehicle load to the fatigue damage plays a dominant role in the coupling effect. Based on a comparison between the coupling effect with or without the vehicle temperature load taken into consideration, the calculated fatigue damage values of detail 1 and detail 2 of Nanxi Yangtze River Bridge are 5.06 and 1.50 times respectively after 100 years of service.


张海萍,刘 扬,罗 媛,陈 斌.车 - 温度荷载耦合作用下悬索桥钢桥[J].湖南工业大学学报,2021,35(5):41-52.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-12-09
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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-07-21
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