Abstract:In recent years, haze in China is characteried with high frequency, long-time delay, wide-scope coverage, profound impact and heavy pollution, which makes the prevention and eradication of haze a long-term,difficult and complex task. Based on the experience and inspiration of haze harnessment acquired from foreign cities, this paper introduces the theory of "collaborative harnessment", adopting such qualitative research methods as literature review, case analysis, field investigation and in-depth interview to establish a framework for the collaborative harnessment of urban haze in China, with specific measures included: collaborative parties of harnessment agent, collaborative parties of harnessment object, collaborative parties of harnessment region, collaborative parties of harnessment process, collaborative parties of harnessment target, collaborative parties of harnessment mechanism, collaborative parties of harnessment means and collaborative parties of harnessment technology. Under the background of special political systems, social stage and cultural tradition, the collaborative theory should be amended with an effective connection established between the theory and the implementation of haze harnessment so as to launch local innovations, and establish a mode of collaborative harnessment of haze suitable for national and municipal situations in China.