Abstract:With the underground isolated pillar mining in the depth of -790 m of Dongguashan Mountain as the engineering background, a series of indoor turbulence creep tests have been carried out, followed by an analysis of creep properties of marble with holes under different axial compression and disturbance loads. The results show that the uni-axial creep of marble with holes undergoes successively creep decay stage, creep isokinetic stage and creep acceleration stage. The perturbation of the rock will produce the strain mutation value, which increases with the stress level. For marble of the same size, the value of the disturbance load has a great influence on the creep properties of the rock. The greater the perturbation load, the greater the instantaneous strain mutation caused by the creep, and the faster the rock will be damaged. For marble with the larger diameter of the hole, the greater the diameter is, the greater the influence of the disturbance load on the creep deformation will be. Finally, based on the statistics of the creep constitutive model and the parameters of the Burgers disturbance creep model, an analysis has been made of the creep theory, which yields results in good agreement with the experimental results.