Abstract:Based on an indoor contrast model test between inflatable anchors and ordinary anchors, a study has been made of the influence of the expanded heads of inflatable anchor on the displacement characteristics and ultimate uplift capacity, thus obtaining the load displacement curves of inflatable anchors and ordinary anchors under different buried depths and different pressures. The experimental results show that under the same depth, the ultimate bearing capacity of the inflatable anchor is much higher than that of the ordinary anchor, and the corresponding displacement is also increased. Under different burial depths, the ratio of ultimate uplift capacity to total ultimate bearing capacity of expanded heads of inflatable anchors is greater than 80%, with the buried depths reduced, the proportion showing a decreasing trend. Under different inflation pressures, the ratio of its ultimate uplift capacity to its total ultimate bearing capacity is within the scope of 72.6.%~84.6%, its proportion increased with the inflation pressure.The regression analysis results show that the displacement and load of the inflatable anchor rod are exponentially related to the load.