Abstract:A research has been conducted on the influence of proportioning and relative density on static parameters the of rubber-sand,followed by a triaxial shear test for different proportions and relative density of rubber-sand mixture. The results show that:with the rubber content a constant, the initial tangent modulus and deviatoric stress of the sample are positively related to the relative density, the peak value of deviatoric stress increases approximately linearly with the increase of relative density;with the relative density a constant, the deviatoric tress-axial strain curves of the rubber sand undergoes an increasing then a decreasing trend, and the peak value of the deviatoric stress decreases approximately linearly with the increase of rubber content, while the corresponding strain becomes larger when the partial stress reaches the peak value;the Poisson ratio of rubber sand increases positively with the increase of the relative density,while the influence of relative density on the Poisson ratio of rubber sand decreases with the increase of the rubber ratio.