Abstract:Taking the water treatment project of a limestone mine as the background, a two-dimensional strain numerical model of grouting curtain, based on RFPA2d-Flow software, with 45 degrees of narrow elliptical fissures under different loading scenarios, has been thus established. An analysis has been made of the damage evolution rules for the axial pressure, confinement pressure as well as the seepage water head difference. The experimental results show that: under the effect of axial loading, the crack tip near the crack initiation occurs in the grouting curtain body which contain fissures, with the fracture angle and the initial fracture vertically extended until the failure of coalescence, characterized with radial tensile fractures; under the action of confining pressure, the crack initiation of fractured grouting curtain occurs near the crack tip, with the fracture under confining loading extending along and through the axial direction; the hydraulic fracturing in the form of grouting curtain body, which is caused by infiltration energy, is relatively similar in form to the axial loading, both with coalescence failures; what makes them different is that the damage by infiltration energy is all to pieces within the scope of the initial cracks.