Abstract:By adopting the Shift Share Analysis method, a comprehensive analysis has been made of the share deviation component, structural deviation component and competitiveness deviation component of the forest park tourism industry revenue structure. The results show that, on the whole, the forest park tourism industry in Hunan Province has been experiencing a favorable momentum of development. At present, with ticket sales the main source of its revenue, the tourism industry in Hunan Province has its own competitive advantages. The competitiveness of accommodation revenue and entertainment revenue is still relatively low under the national average level; other industries, which are closely related to forest tourism industry, exhibit their own advantages, leaving much room to be improved for their competitiveness. Concerning the competitiveness of national forest parks, Hunan Province has certain advantages, with even greater development potentials. As for the tourism industry accommodation, the unfavorable competitiveness of revenue departments in most national forest parks in Hunan province are below the provincial average and at an obvious disadvantage; the other three revenue departments have certain but not so significant advantages. Such parks as Zhangjiajie national forest park and Tianmenshan national forest park, which are maintained at a favorable position, are among the top ones of the whole province.