Abstract:Conducted a series of laterally confined compression tests on rubber-sand mixtures of 7 different rubber mass fractions, in which considering the impact of 12 levels vertical pressure on the compression properties of the mixtures. Results of the tests indicate that: 1) The springback, the elastic-plastic strain and the total strain of rubber-sand mixtures increase with the increment of rubber mass fractions. When vertical pressure are the same, the cumulative settlement, the void ratio and the compression coefficients of rubber-sand mixtures increase with the increment of rubber mass fractions. When rubber mass fractions are the same, the cumulative settlement, the density and the compression modulus of rubber-sand mixtures increase with the vertical pressure increment, and its plastic strains are larger than its elastic strains. These change characteristics of rubber-sand mixtures are more obvious than that of pure sand particles and are less distinct than that of pure rubber particles. 2) The e-log(p) curves of the pure sand particles and the rubber-sand mixtures of 10% rubber mass fraction have the characteristics of linear regression,and their linear fitting slopes are small and close. The e-log(p) curves of the pure rubber particles and the rubber-sand mixtures of 20% to 50% rubber mass fraction approximate linear characteristics, and their linear fitting slopes increase with the increment of rubber mass fractions. The subsection slope of e-log(p) curves increase with the vertical stress logarithm value increasing when rubber mass fractions are the same. 3) The compression coefficient-vertical stress section curves of the pure rubber particles and rubber-sand mixtures exhibit nonlinear characteristics, it is more and more obvious with the rubber mass fraction increasing. 4) Compression modulous of the same vertical stress sections decays with rubber mass fractions increasing, and the greater the vertical stress section, the more obvious the attenuation.