Abstract:The contemporary residential buildings in the Yangtze River Delta are composed of the remains of ancient resident buildings, self-built buildings of the residents and new unified built houses under the government’s advocacy. With the social development, the remains of the ancient houses can’t meet the demands of the modern residents, and the resident self-built buildings seriously affects the styles and features of the original village houses because of the varied styles, scales and patterns, which lost the traditional architecture characteristics. Besides, the unified residential houses most simply cloned the city’s constructions models, which just used some symbols to plainly imitate the essence of the local traditional residential buildings, and formed stereotyped, nondescript fake antiques. Under the background of building a new socialist countryside, proposed some suggestions to design a contemporary Jiangnan water village building model with general widespread significance: creates a regional culture, shows the geographical characteristics, highlights the spirit of site and displays the historical and cultural characteristics; Improves the constructions functions, innovates the building styles and promotes architecture technology; The government guidance and the people involved builds the contemporary Jiangnan water village houses.