Abstract:A novel typography technique was developed to in situ synthesize oligonucleotide arrays on glass slide,which has the celerity,high spatial resolution,lower cost,reliable operation,and high synthetic efficiency. The principle and process of the typography technique for fabricating gene-chips were described in detail. A suit of poly(terafluoroethylene)devices for synthesizing oligonucleotide arrays were designed and prepared,and the fiber tube with a number of nano-or micron channels were employed. The oligonucleotide arrays of sixteen sites with four different probes were synthesized using the typography technique. The four specific oligonucleotide probes including the matched and the mismatched by the fluorescent target sequence gave obviously different hybridization fluorescent signals. It was indicated that the gene-chip fabricated by the typography method could be used to rapidly screen single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNP)and to detect mutations.