Abstract:The integration of the basic principles of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture today is neither a forced fit nor a patchwork, nor is it a simple replication of concepts and categories. From the historical context before their integration, the gradual emergence of the conjunctive trend and the decline of “two civilizations” in the second half of the 19th century paved the way for the combination. From the perspective of the cultural context before the combination, the reconciliation of the two contradictory states—the Chinese people’s disappointment and expectation of traditional culture, and their yearning and reflection on modernization and Western capitalist modernization, provide cultural opportunities for Marxism to integrate into Chinese culture. As a result, Marxism, which was born in the West and criticizes and reflects on the theories of Western capitalism, has not only answered the Chinese nation’s doubts about Western capitalism, but also reconciled the dual psychological wishes of the Chinese people to save the national traditions and achieve national independence and prosperity without adopting a capitalist approach. The special requirement on the way of national salvation foreshadows the historical inevitability of combining patriotism and Marxism.