Abstract:Recognized by both Confucians and Taoists as a foundational classic, Book of Changes contains a wealth of management philosophy. Specifically, the saying that “gentlemen strive to teach the people and protect the people with their boundless virtue” in Lingua can best reflect the political ideal of Chinese philosophers. Through the in-depth analysis of two “Xianlin”s and “Ganlin” of the lower hexagram “Dui” and “Zhilin”(至临), “Zhilin”(知临) and “Dunli” of the upper hexagram “Kun”,this paper comes to the conclusion that “benevolence”, “universal love”, “sincerity”, “rationality” and “honesty” are the justifiable ways of management while artful words are inadvisable. The management objectives,principles and art embodied in Book of Changes’ Lingua have important implications for contemporary management, with its core emphasis on “exercising governance for the people”.