




中国科普研究所课题“媒介融合背景下的科学传播研究 ”(2018LYE020415 );国家社科基金项目“媒介融合 背景下中国广播电视网络产业发展机制创新与实现路径研究”(17BXW036 )

Development Status and Integrated Innovation of China’ s Science and Technology New Media Dissemination

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    我国科技传播水平长期落后于科技发展水平,制约着科学普及的推进以及国民整体科学素养 的提高。随着 5G 技术 5G 网络的全面商用化,互联网应用朝着移动互联网智能互联网方向发展,科技 传播迎来了“全员媒体全效媒体全息媒体全程媒体”构架下的全媒体传播新时代。我国日益兴盛的科 学技术、日益兴盛强大的科技品牌形象,需要相应的国际传播语境、国际传播渠道、国际传播形式, 矗立起新时期中国科学技术国际地位。我国在科技大国迈向科技强国的征程中,需要梳理科技新媒体 传播的发展状况,需要从中央到地方的传统媒体与新媒体的紧密协作与整合创新,顶层设计科技全媒 体传播创新路径,以多终端多渠道多形式的传播手段,传输中国国民喜闻乐见的科学知识科技人物科 研大事,提高全体国民的科学素养。


    The report in the 19th National Congress of Chinese Communist Party points out that socialist core values education needs to focus on the cultivation of the new generation who take on great responsibility of national rejuvenation.Combining Marxist theory of human development and basing itself on the macro background of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, people of the new century who take on the duty of national rejuvenation should have all-round development of material and spirit, harmony of individuality and sociality, as well as balance of nationality and cosmopolitism.Therefore, values education in colleges and universities should pay attention to three levels, including guiding students to pursue spiritual promotion on the basis of material satisfaction, emphasizing responsibility while highlighting personality, obtaining world feelings under the premise of national identity.China’s science and technology dissemination has lagged behind the development of science and technology for a long time, which restricts the promotion of science popularization and the improvement of the overall scientific literacy of the nation. With the full commercialization of 5G technology and 5G network, as well as the development of internet application towards mobile internet and intelligent internet, science and technology dissemination has ushered in a new era of all-media dissemination under the framework of “full-staff media, full-effect media, holographic media, full-process media”. China’s increasingly prosperous science and technology and its increasingly prosperous and powerful brand image of science and technology need corresponding international communication contexts, channels and forms to establish China’s international status in science and technology in the new era. In China’s development from a big country in science and technology to a powerful country in science and technology, we need to sort out the development of the dissemination of new media in science and technology. We need close cooperation and integration and innovation between traditional media and new media from the central to the local level. We need to design the innovative path of all-media dissemination of science and technology at the top level. We need to use multi-terminal and multi-channel dissemination means to transmit scientific knowledge and scientific research events loved by the Chinese people and improve the scientific literacy of all citizens.


曾静平,钟 琦,王艳丽.我国科技新媒体传播的发展状况与整合创新[J].《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》,2019,24(3):51-57.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-03-27
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  • 在线发布日期: 2019-06-28
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