Abstract:In a sense, modern society is a risk one, in which mankind has created a lot of risks. Therefore we live in a variety of social risks. At the same time, in the modern society, the risk status which human beings face has changed, and various artificial risks in society began to dominate. In this case, people began seeking hope from the ethics. However, the traditional ethics theories mainly belong to the ethics of belief. It emphasizes the motivation and purpose, but ignores the relevancy between the aims and means, and doesn't pay attention to the responsibility of the consequences. Therefore, it is difficult to deal with the risk society. However, there are many fits between the ethics of responsibility and modern society. The former considers that the moral foundation mainly lies in the consequences of actions, and requires that the actors should be responsible for the consequences. In the face of such a complex environment, we should change the ethical idea from ethics of belief to ethics of responsibility.