Abstract:In order to investigate the effects of green tea extract (GTE) with different contents on the properties of poly-(vinyl alcohol)/microcrystalline cellulose (PVA/MCC) film, PVA/MCC films containing GTE were prepared by solution casting method. The effects of GTE on the properties of the films were evaluated, including color, optical property, mechanical property, water resistant and gas barrier property. The results showed that with the increasing content of GTE, the film became a little darker and its color tended to change toward redness and yellowness, with the light transmittance of the films decreased significantly. The tensile strength of the films increased greatly and the percentage of elongation at break decreased significantly. The swelling ratio and water vapor uptake ratio of the films reduced notably, which suggested that the water resistant property was improved. The water vapor transmission rate coefficient and oxygen transmission rate coefficient of the films decreased as well. With the incorporation of GTE, the mechanical property, water resistant and gas barrier property of the PVA/MCC films were improved, which provided foundation for application of the films in food packaging.