Abstract:Chitosan combined with tea polyphenols (TP) and sodium alginate (SA) was prepared for blend liquid film with orthogonal test method (L9(34)). With different chitosan blend liquid film treatment, the respiratory intensity,L* value,weight loss rate,revertose content,amylum content , and sensory evaluation were periodically determined and comparatively analyzed during storage. According to analysis of different preservation effects with different ratio of chitosan blend liquid film, the optimal composition of the blend film was determined. The results showed that chitosan blend liquid film treatment could relatively well keep the quality of chitosan in the process of storage at (0±1)℃ with the whiteness well kept. The respiration intensity and the consumption of nutrient were effectively inhibited,which slowed down the mildew of chestnut, and the optimal combination performed best with the mass fraction 1.5%chitosan +2.0%TP+0.2%SA. After 170 days of storage, the weight loss rate was 14.380%, which was 7.588% lower than the weight loss rate of CK. According to the comprehensive balance analysis, the sequence of the influence of each factor made on chestnut during storage was chitosan>TP> SA. By comparison, chitosan blend liquid film could effectively improve the postharvest quality during storage, and prolong the storage period of chestnuts.